Notice of new store "Comprehensive Care Plan Center Sakura · Comprehensive Visiting Nursing Station Cherry Blossoms"

Comprehensive Care Plan Center Sakura

The general visit nursing station cherry blossoms opened!

【Address】 5-12-7 Komagawa, Higashi-Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi
【Phone】 06-6696-1010 【FAX】 06-6696-0202
【Opening hours】 - 【Closed holiday】 -

General visit nursing station cherry blossoms
【Address】 5-12-7 Komagawa, Higashi-Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi
【Phone】 06-6696-6060 【FAX】 06-6696-0202
【Opening hours】 - 【Closed holiday】 -

Please do not hesitate to come.